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2014   |   80 min.   |   Drama   |   Lithuania   |   Trailer   
Director and Writer
Mykolas Vildžiūnas

Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė

Audrius Budrys

Kostas Radlinskas
Linas Rimša
Sound Designer
Vytis Puronas
Linas Dabriška

Production Designer
Grigoryi Zundelovitch

Main cast
Tadas Gryn, Valentin Novopolskij, Toma Vaškevičiūtė, Nelė Savičenko, Sigitas Račkys, Rimantas Šavelis
Just a moment (LT)
Lithuanian Council for Culture (LT), Lithuanian Film Centre (LT)
Tadas is looking for answers to questions that are relevant to many of his peers, coming of age in between nostalgic socialist childhood dreams and the ideals pushed by a young rushing democracy. ​Tadas is in a troubled relationship with his wife, a reserved one with his parents, and his relationship with friends...? There just aren’t any. His life is fast-paced, with a joint of weed being his only option to relax. There is no way out from the rut but down until one day Tadas drives off the road on his way to another business trip. He is put to the hospital, where time stops for him. Doctors aren’t telling what’s wrong with him, his parents look worried and on top of that, a childhood friend he hasn’t seen in ages shows up out of the blue sky.
Awards and festivals

2014 The Award for the Best Supporting Actor at National films and TV awards “Silver Crane" (LT)
2014 Six nominations at National films and TV awards "Silver Crane" (LT)

2015 New Horizons International Film Festival (PL)
2014 Malatya International Film Festival (TR)
2014 Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (US)

2014 Vilnius International Film Festival "Kino Pavasaris" (LT)
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non present time
non present time
non present time
„Nesamasis laikas“ – egzistencinė kelionė arba laisvas kritimas į vaikystę KINFO
„Nesamasis laikas” – tarp gyvenimo ir egzistencijos Universiteto žurnalistas
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Kino teatre. Vienos kartos kronika („Nesamasis laikas“) Lietuvių filmų centras
Sugrąžintas laikas
Režisierius M. Vildžiūnas apie filmą „Nesamasis laikas“ Kultūros savaitė, LRT plius
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Nesamasis laikas / Non-Present Time (2014) - Why are you ignoring everyone? Pasaulis filme
„Nesamasis laikas“ – kiekvieno žiūrovo interpretacijų laukas
Pokalbis su Mykolu Vildžiūnu: „Kuo daugiau sutiksiu žmonių, kurie manęs paklaus, ar filme iš tikrųjų taip nutiko, tuo laimingesnis būsiu“ KINFO
Apie debiutinį Mykolo Vildžiūno vaidybinį filmą „Nesamasis laikas“ Ryto allegro, LRT klasika
Pristatytas Mykolo Vildžiūno filmo „Nesamasis laikas“ anonsas 
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